SeaIceRT Sensitivity Analysis


Andy Barrett


August 25, 2022

1 Sensitivity Analsysis

We axplore the sensitivity of total radiative flux absorbed by the ocean to:

  • pond depth
  • snow depth
  • snow grain size
  • pond tuning parameters
  • ice tuning parameters

This web page is rendered from the Jupyter notebook sensitivity_analysis.ipynb.

1.1 Pond depth sensitivity

The sensitivity of flux absorbed by the ocean to pond depth is explored for a pond depths ranging from 5 cm to 30 cm, and ice thickness from 0.5 m to 3 m. [For the moment these are arbitrary pond depths and thickness but represent the observed range… ’ish] A 30 cm pond is deep.

Figure 1: The sensitivity of total flux absorbed by the ocean underneath ice cover to pond depth for a range of ice thicknesses

1.2 Snow depth sensitivity

Figure 2: The sensitivity of total flux absorbed by the ocean underneath ice cover to snow depth for a range of ice thicknesses

1.3 Sensitivity: snow_grain_radius

Figure 3: The sensitivity of total flux absorbed by the ocean underneath ice cover to snow grain size for a range of snow depths

  • Snow grain radius will also impact albedo.
  • Look for sensible range for grain size